Re: Latest Infomation on The Crew

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Hot Wheels
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The Agency & Stunt modes

PC Player Image TDU, GRID, Assetto Corsa, pCars, NCG, The Crew, Dirt, Forza: MadManCK Clubs: TDU2: Luny's Fair Friends (VP-Exec), GRID AS: TDUDT (Pres) DT-Racing Team: Team Leader

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I wonder what they have in mind for The Crew now that TDUSC is on the horizon.

It will be interesting to see what direction they are taking this game to compete as they must be aware if KT racing get it right then the crew will lose a lot of players. :party:
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The next addition will be time trials. Some on new tracks and a few on existing ones.

After all the stunt mania, more core racing FTW.

I still play with a controller, as the handling and setup are more arcade than ever. And it leans more towards that vibe with every new update.

This opens possibilities for TDU3, as TC2 is clearly heading in a different direction.

Maybe on purpose?

After all, they are all "friends" :mrgreen:
PC Player Image TDU, GRID, Assetto Corsa, pCars, NCG, The Crew, Dirt, Forza: MadManCK Clubs: TDU2: Luny's Fair Friends (VP-Exec), GRID AS: TDUDT (Pres) DT-Racing Team: Team Leader

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The switch to a new platform for the forum made an impact, despite not many posters on the old Ubi TC2 forum.
Like many official game forums, discussions can get viscious and lose focus quicly. Especially if developers never react or are not allowed to respond.

That has changed with the new format.

Ubi-Fanch Community developer has made a few posts, answering some questions.;
I would not be able to give you the full reasoning but here are some key points:

The former tech that we were using was quite old, and investing ressources to develop features would not have been possible.
The new forums are now embedded in the whole Ubi web ecosystem, that way you connect once whether you want to read a news, browse the Store or check the forums.
This new tech allows for new features, dark mode, compact mode, better emojis 🙌 and many other improvement on the backend for us as well.

The end goal is to offer a place that is easier to use overall and to foster discussions even more, some improvement have yet to be deployed and we hope that they will help us to have a better interaction in the future.

And on my request for a Route planner and level editor;
Hello there,

We know this has been a long-awaited feature and we understand why there is such an appeal to a mode like this one.
The truth is that, this would require significant development time and we are not ready make it happen for now.

Now, it does not mean that it won't happen, but we have to take many factors into account if we were to consider doing it.

The feedback is heard though, don't worry.
You can not really expect more from the team. But you can ask yourself why it took so long to create a proper feedback forum. :mrgreen:
PC Player Image TDU, GRID, Assetto Corsa, pCars, NCG, The Crew, Dirt, Forza: MadManCK Clubs: TDU2: Luny's Fair Friends (VP-Exec), GRID AS: TDUDT (Pres) DT-Racing Team: Team Leader

Image Eden Games Can Kiss My Mustang
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